Office of Safe Environment

How To Report Concerning, Suspicious or Unethical Behaviors or Incidents

Use this report form for any concerning, suspicious, or unethical behavior, boundary violations, or communications by clergy, religious, diocesan/parish/agency employees, or volunteers that violate the Diocese of Salt Lake City Codes of Conduct.


This Report Form is NOT for Reporting Abuse

If you observe or have reason to believe that a child or vulnerable adult has been subjected to abuse by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, or on diocesan property, you must report the alleged abuse to DCFS and/or local law enforcement and state agencies, and you must notify the Diocesan Office of Safe Environment at 801-328-8641, x344 or email

Instructions for Reporting Abuse of a Child or Vulnerable Adult can be found on the Diocese of Salt Lake City Safe Environment website:  

This Report Form is NOT for Reporting Accidents

If you need to report an accident, contact the Chancellor's Office -


Non-Safe Environment Incident Reports

This report form should be completed as close as possible to the day/time the incident occurred.


This report form can be completed by eyewitnesses to the incident (preferably adults) or by the parish/school administrator, staff, or other person of authority. 


Report Form

The Non-Safe Environment Incident Report Form can be found here:


Important Note to Parish/School Administrators: 

A copy of the Incident Report(s) must be kept on file at the parish/school/organization permanently.

At the end of the form, you can print a copy of your answers by clicking on the 3 dots at the top, right-side of the "Your Response Was Submitted" screen as seen below.




If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Safe Environment.

Office Assistant - Mandi Knaras:, 801-456-9360

Program Specialist - John Jurkoswki:, 801-456-9368
