Use this report form for any concerning, suspicious, or unethical behavior, boundary violations, or communications by clergy, religious, diocesan/parish/agency employees, or volunteers that violate the Diocese of Salt Lake City Codes of Conduct.
If you observe or have reason to believe that a child or vulnerable adult has been subjected to abuse by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, or on diocesan property, you must report the alleged abuse to DCFS and/or local law enforcement and state agencies, and you must notify the Diocesan Office of Safe Environment at 801-328-8641, x344 or email
Instructions for Reporting Abuse of a Child or Vulnerable Adult can be found on the Diocese of Salt Lake City Safe Environment website:
If you need to report an accident, contact the Chancellor's Office -
This report form should be completed as close as possible to the day/time the incident occurred.
This report form can be completed by eyewitnesses to the incident (preferably adults) or by the parish/school administrator, staff, or other person of authority.
The Non-Safe Environment Incident Report Form can be found here:
A copy of the Incident Report(s) must be kept on file at the parish/school/organization permanently.
At the end of the form, you can print a copy of your answers by clicking on the 3 dots at the top, right-side of the "Your Response Was Submitted" screen as seen below.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Safe Environment.
Office Assistant - Mandi Knaras:, 801-456-9360
Program Specialist - John Jurkoswki:, 801-456-9368