Office of Life, Justice and Peace

Parish Social Ministry

Parish Social Ministry is one of three inseparable elements of being Catholic (cf. Pope Benedict) along with celebrating the sacraments and proclaiming the word of God.

Like Sacramental preparation and the Liturgy Ministry, Parish Social Ministry moves from being the responsibility of a few to shining a light on our faith for the entire parish.

Tools For Your Parish Ministry

We are Salt & Light

This is an online resource hub from USCCB designed to help communities assess and strengthen this expression of social missionary discipleship.

St. Francis, Pope Francis and the American Catholic Church

An inspiring message from Jack Jezreel to share with your felow parishioners in social ministry.

Parish Engagement

A   Guide to establishing roots (103 KB)  in the parish and  planning engaging events (278 KB) .

Parish Social Ministry Guide

quick guide of key principles for organizing a parish social ministry. En Espanol.  

Windshield Survey

Determining parish needs begins with understanding who lives within your parish boundaries, what their needs are and what services exist to help meet their needs. The windshield survey is an important tool for making these initial assessments. 

One to One Guide

From the Franciscan Action Network, this guide may help you prepare for one on one discussions vital to relationship building.
